苏格兰能源 | Iberdrola.com



苏格兰能源 Renewables have operated Corkey风电场 for over 20 years, with the site’s 10 turbines generating up to 5 megawatts of renewable power. The site, in its current form, has consent to operate in perpetuity.

而涡轮机目前表现良好, newer more modern technology is available which is more reliable and capable of producing more energy. 我们正在寻求给风电场重新供电, 从而使站点的重用次数更少, 更大的, 更高效的, 容量更大的现代涡轮机. In doing so, the benefits are maximised without the need to develop a new greenfield site.


位于铜锣海岸内 & Glens Council area in Country Antrim, the site lies approximately 18 km north of Ballymena.


该规划申请已获铜锣海岸批准 & 2022年3月2日,格伦斯自治市议会.

Consent has been granted for 5x turbines with a tip height of 137m and, 根据涡轮机的最终尺寸选择, the generating capacity of the repowered Corkey风电场 could be in the region of 20-25MW.

We are now in the process of reviewing pre-commencement conditions and working on having these discharged by the council prior to beginning construction.


A planning application was submitted in June 2019 to Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council for 5 turbines.

Printed copies of the 环境声明 (ES) are available to view by the public during normal opening hours at the following locations:

  • Loughgiel Millennium Centre, 36 Lough Road, Loughgiel, Ballymena, BT44 9JN
  • Causeway Coast and Glen Borough Council, Coleraine Office, 66 Portstewart Road, Coleraine, BT52 1EY

The 环境声明 can also be viewed by clicking the link for the NI网站策划 below, 使用视图规划应用程序搜索功能.

Following ongoing consultations with the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, 澳门新葡京博彩可再生能源有限公司, has omitted the previously included ‘energy storage units’ from the Corkey风电场 Repower planning application. The removal of the energy storage units from the Development does not alter the technical assessments presented in the ES.  An updated version of the “Indicative Layout of Substation Compound” (Figure 7) has been submitted and can be viewed using the links below.


Three rounds of Public Information Days (PIDs) were held at the following locations:

  • 第一轮

    Glenravel体育 & 社区综合大楼- 2017年8月22日
    Loughgiel Millennium Centre - 2017年8月23日
  • 第二轮

    Glenravel体育 & 社区综合大楼- 2019年6月4日
    拉夫吉尔千年中心- 2019年6月5日
  • 第三轮

    拉夫吉尔千年中心- 2019年6月26日


作为英国领先的陆上风电开发商, 船东及经营人, at SPR we are keen to integrate ourselves into the communities in which we operate our windfarms.

特别提款权在北爱尔兰有着长期的基础, 目前在北爱尔兰经营着五个陆上风电场, with key interests in Belfast Harbour and with Harland and Wolff which were used to assist in the build out of some of our offshore wind portfolio.

The development of our West of Duddon Sands 离岸 风farm (operational since 2014) enabled the construction of the £50 million facility at Belfast Harbour which began in early 2012, creating the first purpose built offshore wind installation and pre-assembly harbour in the UK and 爱尔兰, 在此过程中支持多达300个工作岗位.

SPR is also progressing East Anglia ONE 离岸 风farm towards construction. Lamprell, 与哈兰德和沃尔夫合作, 是否获得过重要的地基施工合同. The value of this contract is circa £30 million with an average labour force of 200 people across the duration of the project with a peak of around 350 jobs.

Our community benefit funds support a wide range of worthwhile local initiatives, and SPR remains committed to working closely with the communities in which we operate, including continuing to maximise opportunities for local businesses.

We are proud to have voluntarily contributed to local communities to date in 北爱尔兰, 其中包括向, 弗马纳信托基金, 以及为当地小学提供资金. These funds have been used to support a wide range of projects in local communities in 北爱尔兰.

我们热衷于讨论一项社区福利计划, 为满足周边社区的需求而量身定制, and which has the capability to support the areas long term development ambitions. 


装机容量约20MW & 低碳发电量约83.每年4GWh . 在铜锣海岸和格伦斯创造最多12年的就业机会, 在北爱尔兰工作了52年. 24,800 tonnes of CO2 avoided annually compared with a fossil fuel-mix of electricity generation . 产生的电力足够一万三千个家庭使用. 铜锣海岸新增约2个工作岗位 & Glens area during operation, and 3 new jobs created elsewhere in 北爱尔兰 . In addition to landowner rents the development would be liable for non domestic rates, 大约是9英镑.在30年的时间里有400万 . 向当地社区提供一揽子社区福利. 为当地的商品和服务供应商提供机会 .


The windfarm design has been reached through feedback from consultees and communities, where turbine positions and associated infrastructure have evolved through the design process to achieve a final layout sympathetic to environmental constraints and surrounding landscape.

涡轮机的顶部距离拟议的137米, allow 5 fewer turbines to be used yet will be capable of producing around 5-6 times the output of the existing 10-turbine Corkey风电场.


项目团队可以通过以下方式直接联系 电子邮件



Please click on the links below to view the Corkey风电场 Repower key project documents


Corkey风电场重新启动 - A proposal to Repower the existing Corkey风电场

